Po Kamnuandej's Personal Site

YouTube Is Banning Ad Blockers - Deep Threat


It’s been a while since I’ve posted something here. I’ve been away due to some work and personal matters so we’ve got quite a lot to catch up on, but that’ll be later because we’ve got an even bigger shenanigan that will affect almost everyone. Wanna know what that is?

Your favourite website on this planet YouTube is beginning to test its anti-ad blocker system.

Yes. You heard that right. After a long period of peace and bliss YouTube has decided that adblockers are its enemies and the people who used it are seemingly becoming its enemies too. Yikes.

Now as of current developments this system is yet to be implemented. It’s still in a very experimental state, but I’m not telling you that we must be at ease. We all must be very cautious about this.

I don’t have much to say about this at this point except keep an eye out on this implementation at all times. We don’t know exactly when or how it’ll be implemented eventually. It could be implemented tomorrow for all we know. What we do know is that this will be dangerous for computing freedom and privacy. Google will be able to fully harvest data and use it in an unethical way. We don’t even know if Google or YouTube will implement any code that will not allow ad blockers to backdoor this anti-blocker system. For all we know with Google’s best practises they might do exactly what I’ve just told you. And that’s not good.

I do have some suggestions that you could do in part to attack back on this monstrosity though:

If you’re a YouTube creator and most of your monetary came from YouTube and advertisements you’re out of luck with these suggestions.

That’s pretty much what I have to say for now. If there’s anything updated or developed I will have it posted here.

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