Po Kamnuandej's Personal Site


If you want to get in touch with me here are some of the ways to contact me. Note that a few of these methods contain both proprietary and free software due to professional reasons.


As of 2024 I am active on one single Mastodon account which is bkkcitypokey@mastodon.in.th. I stopped using the other account simply because I'm no longer active on it.


As stated in the My Stuff page I have two email accounts and you could send emails to both accounts at kamnuandej at protonmail/tutanota.com. However the protonmail.com domain is my primary account so I suggest you send any message or email to that account instead.

If you wish to send me documents do not send it in the Microsoft XML format as LibreOffice will literally display garbage.

PLEASE do not send emails in the markup/HTML format and please use plain text instead as I'm afraid of compatibility and visual issues.

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