Po Kamnuandej's Personal Site

EU Isn’t the Reason Apple Devices Are Less Secure, You Dummy

A few days ago you might’ve heard news about Apple prepping for the release of iOS’s next “big” version - 17, and one of the big features that they’ve been teasing for a few days now is, for the first time on an iOS device, the ability to download external applications outside of official verified stores - also known as “sideloading.” Read that story here.

This implemented feature is possible thanks to the proposal that the European Union, or EU, have given to Apple back in early 2022 that all iOS devices being sold in Europe must have sideloading as a mandatory feature. While Apple didn’t really seem to enjoy having the EU going after its butt according to Apple spokesperson Emma Wilson, quote:

Some provisions of the Digital Markets Act (DMA) will create unnecessary privacy and security vulnerabilities for our users while others will prohibit us from charging for intellectual property in which we invest a great deal,

and even though Tim Cook says sideloading will “destroy the security of the iPhone,” from the looks of it Apple is complying to the EU anyway according to various news outlets. So…yeah.

However, today’s entry isn’t about Apple and EU themselves. That’s just the overture. The main meat of this entry is between me and the hardcore Apple fans. Specifically the ones that are crazy enough to swear on their graves that they will bury their iOS devices with them when they pass.

You see, during these few days there are a bunch of those people that took the words of Timmy Tim about “potential security issues” and eat those up like a gullible person. They fully subscribed to the notion that Apple could provide security like no one else could do. And when the news about sideloading came out, they were so angry about it to the point that they believed that what EU did to Apple is a “threat to capitalism and that the world didn’t ask for it.”

With all that in mind, today I’m going to break down and argue just exactly why EU isn’t the reason Apple devices are less secure, you dummy.

I hope that those people would come by this page at some point, read through it and make some sense out of what I wrote. You don’t have to believe in what I wrote, because I am just someone on the Internet and even if trusted experts came out and reiterate what I have written, I know you wouldn’t be able to make sense anyway.

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